170 | Formalizing Design with Gabrielle Mérite and Alan Wilson 169 | Data Conversations with Vidya Setlur 168 | Highlights from IEEE VIS'22 with Tamara Munzner 167 | Visualization and Statistics with Andrew Gelman and Jessica Hullman 166 | Catching up with Amanda Makulec 165 | Data Visualization Accessibility with Sarah Fossheim 164 | Edward Tufte's complete work with Sandra Rendgen 163 | svelte.js for web-based dataviz with Amelia Wattenberger 162 | Highlights from IEEE VIS'20 with Miriah Meyer and Danielle Szafir 161 | People of the Pandemic with Shirley Wu 160 | Visualizing COVID-19 with Carl Bergstrom 159 | Viz Agencies: Dataveyes and Accurat 158 | Viz Agencies: CLEVER°FRANKE and Interactive Things 157 | Spatial Thinking with Barbara Tversky 156 | Visualizing Fairness in Machine Learning with Yongsu Ahn and Alex Cabrera 155 | Flourish with Duncan Clark 154 | Visualizing Global Warming with IPCC with Angela Morelli and Tom Gabriel Johansen 153 | Data Art and Visual Programming with Marcin Ignac from Variable 152 | Year in Review 2019 151 | Future Data Interfaces with David Sheldon-Hicks 150 | Highlights from IEEE VIS'19 with Tamara Munzner and Robert Kosara 149 | xkcd or the art of data storytelling with web cartoons 148 | Cognitive Science for Data Visualization with Lace Padilla 147 | Iconic Climate Visuals with Ed Hawkins 146 | Sweating the details with Nicholas Rougeux 145 | FT Data Crunch with Federica Cocco and John Burn-Murdoch 144 | History of Information Graphics with Sandra Rendgen 143 | The Pudding with Matt Daniels 142 | Data Is Personal with Evan Peck 141 | Sketching and Visual Thinking with Eva-Lotta Lamm 140 | Data Visualization Society 139 | Immersive Analytics with Tim Dwyer 138 | Turning Data into Sound with Hannah Davis 137 | Visualizing Earth with Cameron Beccario 136 | Simulated Dendrochronology of U.S. Immigration with Pedro Cruz and John Wihbey 135 | The "Dashboard Conspiracy" with Lyn Bartram and Alper Sarikaya 134 | Visualizing Uncertainty with Jessica Hullman and Matthew Kay 133 | Year Review 2018 132 | A New Generation of DataViz Tools 131 | Peak Spotting 130 | Highlights from IEEE VIS 2018 129 | Views of the World with Robert Simmon 128 | Visual Perception and Visualization with Steve Haroz 127 | Storytelling with Data with Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic 126 | FlowingData with Nathan Yau 125 | Researching the Boundaries of InfoVis with Sheelagh Carpendale 124 | Xenographics with Maarten Lambrechts 123 | Touch Graphics with Steve Landau 122 | Visualizing Climate Change Scenarios with Boris Müller 121 | Declarative Visualization with Vega-Lite and Altair with Dominik Moritz, Jacob Vanderplas, Kanit “Ham” Wongsuphasawat 120 | Data Science and Visualization with David Robinson Post navigation Next →
121 | Declarative Visualization with Vega-Lite and Altair with Dominik Moritz, Jacob Vanderplas, Kanit “Ham” Wongsuphasawat