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We have data visualization freelancer and old friend-of-the-podcast Andy Kirk with us to talk about a new generation of data viz tools. You may not have noticed yet, but there are a quite a few nice new tools in development — and they all seem to have one thing in common: granting more artistic freedom to users while requiring less programming.
On the show we start by talking about the precursors to this generation of tools, such as Lyra and Data Driven Guides. We then pivot to the latest developments including Charticulator, Adobe’s Data Illustrator, and Lincoln.
What do these tools make possible that is still impossible or not so easy to do with the existing tools? What are their more exciting features? How do they differ in the way that they work? Why are we observing this trend now? And are they ultimately going to become real products? We ponder these and other questions on the show with Andy.
Enjoy listening!
- Multiple Views: Visualization Research Explained
- Andy Kirk
- Visualisingdata’s list of data visualization tools
- Tableau
- Lyra
- Data Driven Guides
- Brett Victor’s Drawing Dynamic Visualizations
- Data Stories episode on Lyra
- Charticulator
- Adobe’s Data Illustrator
- Lincoln
- Open Refine
- morph.graphics