A podcast on data visualization with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner
This page features some manual transcripts below.
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Transcript: 82 | Information+ Conference Review
Transcript: 81 | The Hustle with Mahir Yavuz and Jan Willem Tulp
Transcript: 80 | Indexical Visualization with Dietmar Offenhuber
August 28, 2013 – Dietmar Offenhuber, a new faculty member in the College of Arts, Media and Design and the College of Social Sciences and Humanities, specializes in visualization and information design.
Transcript: 79 | Information Design with Isabel Meirelles
Transcript: 78 | Mimi Onuoha on Visualizing People’s Lives through Mobile Data
Transcript: 77 | Polygraph and the Journalist Engineer Matt Daniels
Transcript: 76 | Bocoup and OpenVis Conference
Transcript: 75 | Listening to Data From Space with Scott Hughes
Transcript: 74 | Data Ethics and Privacy with Eleanor Saitta
Transcript: 73 | Kim Albrecht on Untangling Tennis and the Cosmic Web
Transcript: 72 | Jeff Heer on Merging Industry and Research with the Interactive Data Lab
Transcript: 71 | Tapestry Conference Review with Robert Kosara
Transcript: 70 | Rocket Science with Rachel Binx
Transcript: 69 | Data Visualization Literacy with Jeremy Boy, Helen Kennedy and Andy Kirk
Transcript: 68 | Poemage: Data Visualization for Poets with Miriah Meyer and Nina McCurdy
Transcript: 67 | ggplot2, R, and data toolmaking with Hadley Wickham
Transcript: 66 | “IQuantNY”: Finding Surprising Stories in NYC Open Data with Ben Wellington
Transcript: 65 | What Happened in Vis in 2015? Year Review with Andy Kirk and Robert Kosara
Transcript: 64 | “Dear Data” with Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec
Transcript: 63 | IEEE VIS’15 Recap with Robert Kosara and Johanna Fulda
Transcript: 62 | Text Visualization Past, Present and Future with Chris Collins