Hey everyone!
For the end of the year we decided to experiment with a new, very special kind of episode. We asked 6 different visualization experts from 6 different countries (and 5 different continents!) to tell us what happened this year in the data visualization space on their side of the world.
We virtually traveled very far! On the podcast, we have Krisztina Szűcs from Hungary, Blaise Aboh from Nigeria, Simon Ducroquet from Brazil, Nikita Rokotyan from Western Siberia, Simon Elvery from Australia, and Jane Pong from Hong Kong.
To each, we asked four simple questions:
- Who are you and where are you located?
- How is the data visualization scene where you are?
- What were the major developments or projects this year?
- What do you hope for next year?
As you will discover by listening to this episode, a lot is going on in these countries. It’s fascinating to learn about it, and we really hope you’ll enjoy our new experiment. Let us know what you think!
…And with this, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! It’s been great serving all of you through our show, including a total of 24 episodes this year!
Take care.
This episode of Data Stories is sponsored by Qlik, which allows you to explore the hidden relationships within your data that lead to meaningful insights. Don’t miss their webinar on business intelligence trends 2017 on January 11, 2017!
Krisztina Szűcs in Hungary
- Krisztina: http://krisztinaszucs.com/
- Krisztina’s Little Red Riding Hood Data Viz
- Dear Data: http://www.dear-data.com/
Blaise Aboh in Nigeria
- Company: Orodata Science
- Blaise on Medium: https://medium.com/@AimLEGEND_
Simon Ducroquet in Brazil
- Simon Ducroquet: cargocollective.com/ducroquet
- Simon Ducroquet’s Nexo: https://www.nexojornal.com.br/
Nikita Rokotyan in Western Siberia
- Nikita Rokotyan: http://rokotyan.com/
- 63 Years of Nobel Prize Visualizations
- Moscow Marathon Visualization
- Tinker with a neural network: http://playground.tensorflow.org/
- The Rhythm of Food
- Data Visualization Russia Slack Channel: https://datavisrus.typeform.com/to/KI90wt
Simon Elvery in Australia
- Simon Elvery: https://elvery.net/drzax/
- Hacks Hackers Brisbane
- Stories with Data Slack Channel: http://storieswithdata.community/
- The Guardian, “Are you reflected in the new parliament?”
- ABC News, “What is Malcolm Turnbull up against in the new Senate?”
- The New York Times, “342,000 Swings Later, Derek Jeter Calls It a Career”
Jane Pong in Hong Kong
- Jane Pong: https://officeofjane.com/
- Radiancescape
- The Financial Times, The Chart Doctor