Leave A Message To Say Happy Birthday To Data Stories!

Hi everyone, we just marked our third birthday and, coincidentally, we are also going to mark our 50th episode! It’s been such a great journey for everyone.

For our 50th episode we’d like to collect messages from our listeners. We’ll select the funniest ones. So it’s up to you to make us laugh! πŸ™‚

Please state your name in the message and let us know about you Data Stories listening habits (some people listen to us in some very weird conditions).

To leave a message you can:

  1. Call our Google Voice number (347) 881-3740Β and leave a voice mail message (let it ring until the voicemail starts).
  2. Record a snipped from your computer and send it to us as a dropbox link (or similar solutions) to: mail@datastori.es.
  3. You can always send us an email to mail@datastori.es and we will read it for you.

Hurry up! That’s going to be fun!


  1. Leon says:

    Happy Birthday DataStories / Enrico & Mr. Moritz!

    This is the only podcast I follow. Every time I see a new tweet announcing a new episode, I can’t wait to get back home and listen to it. I buy myself a coffee, maybe have a cigarette, and walk around the park enjoying the interview.

    Keep inviting awesome guests, cheers!

  2. Marta says:

    Congratulations πŸ™‚
    It has been so great hearing your podcasts.
    <3 πŸ˜€

  3. Lalia says:

    Hola guys! happy 50 then and keep up the good talk.

    You rank high in my list of learning while entertaining podcasts

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