Hi Folks!
We would like to experiment with Google Hangout and create a Data Stories event where we can all get connected live on it. It’s an experiment, we don’t know if it will work but we think it’s worth a try.
You can ask the questions you always wanted to ask (we like the scary and irreverent ones of course) and we’ll get the opportunity to see some of your faces more closely!
The event will be held on Tue, Nov 13th at 2pm EST (8pm CET for most Europeans).
IMPORTANT: we want the get the feeling of how many people intend to participate. Please add a brief commet here below if you want to participate or drop us a line at mail@datastori.es.
In order to participate you have to make sure you have a working account on GH. Best, is to try out with some friends. We’ll post the link to join the hangout shortly before the event on the blog and twitter. For technical reasons we cannot post it beforehand.
We are super excited to try out this experiment. The whole hangout is automatically recorded and we’ll post it online.
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions. Stay tuned and be ready!!!
Enrico & Mo.
Yes, Moritz, Enrico, count me in!
Great idea, count me in!
Work permitting, I will definitely like join.
Great, I am in! Look forward to it!
Great, looking forward! This will be fun!
YAY! Please count me in. It’s a national holiday in India, meant to be.
It also depends on work as it will be 2pm for me. Will do my best to join.
Moritz, I specifically have some questions for you!
Very cool idea either way! I think it will be a success.
It’s a growing bunch! We have a few more who sent only emails. I am very much looking forward to meeting you guys! Hope the GH will work smoothly though 🙂
I’ll do my best to meet up.
great open data and conversation 🙂
Hey everyone – we are now live! Find instructions here https://plus.google.com/116634657251623767608/posts/AVCvQHxZipL