Hi Folks! We have Prof. Tamara Munzner from University of British Columbia with us in this episode. Tamara is one of the most prominent figures in visualization research. She has done tons of interesting work starting from the nineties (look into her publications page) including the famous “Nested Model of Visualization Design” and her numerous design studies work, like the excellent “Overview,” a tool for journalistic investigative analysis. We also talk about her new book “Visualization Analysis and Design.” Finally a textbook teaching how to create visualization tools for analysis purposes!
Enjoy the show!
- Tamara’s work at the geometry center
- Paper on Visualizable Geometry
- Paper on The Nested Model of Visualization Design
- Paper on Task Taxonomy for Vis
- Jacques Bertin and Jock Mackinlay’s Work on visual encoding
- Paper on Design Study Methodology
- Paper on Nested Model Blocks and Guidelines
- Paper on Task Taxonomy for Dimensionality Reduction
- Overview: A Visualization Tool for Investigative Journalism
- The book: Visualization Analysis and Design
- CRC Press Page
- link to all the figures (with CC-BY licensing)