Hi Folks!
We did it again: we have a special episode directly from IEEE VIS’13 (the premier academic conference on visualization). Enrico caught Robert Kosara and recorded almost one hour of highlights from the conference. And there is a final message for Moritz too! Don’t miss it.
Take care.
Links (some of the papers mentioned):
- Chart Memorability
- Sketchy Story (freeform data visualization)
- Understanding Sequence in Narrative Visualization
- Nanocubes (large-scale visualization on the web)
- Visual Sedimentation (handling dynamic/streaming data)
- Robert’s Conference Report on Eagereyes
- IEEE (VisWeek) VIS Papers on the Web (collection of papers accessible on the web)
Here is a link to Jarke van Wijk’s map projection work (kudos to Robert for remembering the name correctly :D)
Thanks Petra! Actually I just realized we forgot to mention your paper “Hybrid-Image Visualization for Large Viewing Environments” (http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/84/48/78/PDF/HybridImageVisualization_CameraReady.pdf), which IMO was one of coolest this year. Too bad!!! Sorry about that.
18:52 / Using Concrete Scales –> http://www.vuillemot.net/publis/rvuillemot-scales.pdf