030  |  The Information Flaneur w/ Marian Dörk

Hi there,

We have Marian Dörk on the show today to talk about the “Information Flaneur”: an approach to data visualization centered on navigating, exploring, browsing and observing data with curiosity to learn about what’s there, and to see and be surprised by new thoughts and discoveries.

Marian is Research Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam near Berlin where he works on “exploring novel uses of interactive visualizations to support a wide range of information practices.”

We talk about many interesting new directions for visualization like visualizing data starting from a few seed points, whether we always need an overview first in visualization, and tips on how to design visualization for “information flaneurs.”

Enjoy the show!



  1. miska knapek says:

    Another great podcast – many thanks for it!

    The notion of the info/data-flaneur is great and entirely topical. We’re getting access to increasingly customised information delivery interfaces, in a slightly black box manner, leaving us a little unaware of what we’re not seeing.
    Interfaces to help us see what else is out there, including how others might see the world, we could use more of.

    Thanks again!

  2. A nice data story, thanks Marian, Moritz, and Enrico,

    A very good point to think beyond Shneiderman’s info-seeking mantra.
    Ben commented to an InfoVis talk this year by saying “Don’t get too obsessed with ‘Overview first. There are other views”.
    Also in a talk earlier this year he mentioned some cases such as acute cure when starting from a specific data point any local anlysis are more important than an overview

  3. Mike Epler says:

    As an individual doing my thesis on informational search I found the examples Marian discussed, and are documented here, are very useful similar to where I was heading. Thank you for this speaker!

    The UTS Library Catalog Dewey Decimal Control discussed can be found here: http://find.lib.uts.edu.au/

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